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little man in a hurry (With Recording!)

May 15, 2010 at 7:27 am UTC

Here’s a recording of little man in a hurry, the last piece in my new piano/SATB cycle called The City and the Sea. It’s a little rough around the edges, mostly because I conducted it at such a ridiculously fast-paced tempo. The choir, Denver University’s Lamont Chorale, and especially pianist JoAnn Gudvangen-Brown, gave an exhilarating performance.

And here’s a re-post of the poem:

little man in a hurry

little man
(in a hurry
full of an
important worry)
halt stop forget relax


(little child
who have tried
who have failed
who have cried)
lie bravely down


big rain
big snow
big sun
big moon


E.E.Cummings, 1894-1962


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